UFO Area
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Upgrading your own bluz UFO is necessary in the progress of the game it enables you to yield more $QUARTZ through higher risk missions. the benefit that comes with upgrading your UFO is that u can reach further planets and it can load up more weapons. It takes Titanium and a specifically amount of $QUARTZ to level up your UFO.
LVL1 : eligble for Low risk mission & load of 1 weapon
LVL2 : eligble for Medium risk mission & load of 2 weapons
LVL3 : eligble for High risk mission & load of 3 weapons
LVL4 : eligble for Mega risk mission & load of 4 weapons
So that means the more risk you take the more split you gain of the emissions of $QUARTZ if u have successfully attacked. if u have failed in your attack the UFO takes damage and at certain point of damages it levels down to the previous LVL. regarding the weapons we are going to explain how it increases the winning chances of your bluz through attacks so lets move on the next page.